
Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Update on EPA Requirement to Address Cybersecurity in Sanitary Surveys

In our April 2023 Aqua Talk article, we reviewed highlights from the March 3, 2023 US EPA Office of Water memorandum, “Addressing PWS Cybersecurity in Sanitary Surveys or an Alternate Process” issued to all State Drinking Water Administrators requiring cybersecurity evaluations during each sanitary survey. Sanitary surveys are “an onsite review of the water source, facilities, equipment, operation, and maintenance of a PWS for the purpose of evaluating the adequacy of such source, facilities, equipment, operation, and maintenance for producing and distributing safe drinking water.” In Colorado, CDPHE conducts sanitary surveys of all public water systems (PWS) every 3 years for community systems and every 5 years for non-community systems. 

What happened since the Memo was issued by EPA?  

In April 2023, the States of Missouri, Arkansas, and Iowa filed a petition with the US Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit against the EPA legally challenging the EPA Cybersecurity Rule. In July 2023, the U.S. Court of Appeals granted a motion for stay requested by the American Water Works Association (AWWA) and the National Rural Water Association (NRWA) to stop the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Cybersecurity Rule from going into effect until the current case filed by Missouri, Arkansas and Iowa, challenging the rule has been decided. Basically, the EPA cybersecurity memo requirements are on hold until the petition has been decided. However, EPA is continuing their assistance, training and cybersecurity assessment services as described below, which is great!

What does this mean for my water system?  

Colorado will not be including cybersecurity as part of the sanitary survey process in the upcoming inspection year. However, cyber threats are a continuing concern and Colorado water systems have been attacked by cyber criminals. CDPHE strongly encourages all PWSs with industrial control system capabilities to assess their cybersecurity programs with an established method if they have not already done so. EPA is still available to conduct assessments and PWSs can request information about their evaluation services here. CISA also has cybersecurity evaluation services available and more information can be found here.

Public Water Systems should implement measures recommended from any cybersecurity assessment to ensure continued production and distribution of safe drinking water. 

Additional resources can be found: 

For more cybersecurity training resources, please contact Kyra Gregory at

➽ Heather Young, PE, CWP, Field Services Section Manager

➽ Cameron Wilkins, PE, Field Unit II Manager

Wednesday, September 13, 2023

New Industrial Wastewater Exams Fact Sheet

New resource alert! While Aqua Talk is a safe drinking water information hub, this information may be helpful to your wastewater friends, so please pass it along!

The Water Quality Control Division (Division) recently developed a Fact Sheet to help answer the following question. 

Q: My industrial wastewater treatment facility is predominantly biological treatment technology. Are there options for the certified Operator in Responsible Charge (ORC)? 

A: The answer is yes. Industrial wastewater treatment facilities with predominantly biological methods in use to treat organic and inorganic constituents may request the Water and Wastewater Facility Operators Certification Board (Board) to allow a substitution of a certified ORC with a Class A domestic wastewater treatment certification for compliance with an industrial wastewater facility classification. 

For more information on qualifications and how to submit a request to the Board, please refer to this Fact Sheet. This Fact Sheet can also be found on the division’s facility classification webpage, below the wastewater treatment and collection system classifications table. 

For questions about the Fact Sheet or its contents, feel free to contact Jessica Morgan ( or David Kurz ( 

➽ Jessica Morgan, Facility and Operator Outreach and Certification Board Liaison