
Monday, March 18, 2019

Quiz Answers - 2018 - 4

Answers to the 2018 Issue 4 drinking water quiz:

1. What year did recent flooding occur that prompted creation of the Natural Disaster Grant Fund? (b. 2013)
a. 2012.
b. 2013.
c. 2014.
d. 2015.

2. True or False: A treatment technique violation that then requires Tier 2 public notice within 30 days occurs when you fail to conduct the required quarterly finished water tank inspection. (a. True)
a. True.
b. False.

3. The new operator portal will: (e. All of the above)
a. Allow operators to submit payments online.
b. Allow operators to submit applications online.
c. Help operators track the status of applications.
d. Help operators keep track of training units.
e. All of the above.

4. True or False: The Lead Grant Program is still accepting applications. (a. True)
a. True.
b. False.

5. Which of the following are needed for all systems applying for reduced annual lead and copper sampling? (e. All of the above)
a. Approved LCR sites in the portal.
b. Customer sampling guidance. 
c. Lead and copper sample tap results.
d. Application.
e. All of the above. 

6. What was the division’s main concern with adding toilet and urinal flushing as an approved use under reg 84? (c. cross connection into the drinking water supply system)
a. Dogs drinking out of the toilets.
b. Aerosols from flushing.
c. Cross connection into the drinking water supply system.
d. Exposure to contaminants of emerging concern

7. What should I be looking for when purchasing a bleach product to disinfect my water? (a. regular or germicidal)
a. Regular or germicidal.
b. Lemon scented.
c. Splash-less.
d. WD-40 certified.

8. True or False: Operators in responsible charge may need to upgrade their certifications due to facility classification upgrades. (a. True - operators in responsible charge must hold certificates at or above the classification of their facility. However, if the existing facility does not undergo any substantial modifications, the operator will have two years to upgrade the certificate.)
a. True.
b. False.

9. True or False: Reclaimed water can be used for edible crop irrigation since the legislation passed. (b. False - regulations need to be developed before edible crops can be irrigated with reclaimed water.)
a. True.
b. False.

10. What types of facilities are required to have a written operating plan? (c. All facilities and systems that delegate tasks to operators who are not designated as ORCs.)
a. All facilities and systems that require certified operators
b. All small facilities operated by a single individual
c. All facilities and systems delegating tasks to operators who are designated ORCs.
d. None of the above

11. True or False: I may be eligible for an assistance grant if my water system is struggling with completing its first comprehensive storage tank inspection. (a. True)
a. True.
b. False.