
Friday, April 17, 2020

COVID-19 Resources

Aqua Talk and COVID-19 updates

Thank you for your critical efforts to protect public health and the environment through your water utility work during this challenging time. Now, more than ever, water is a precious resource and your work is essential for everyone to survive.

Online Resources

The Department of Public Health and Environment has created a webpage to provide Colorado-specific resources for water professionals responding to different situations during the COVID-19 pandemic. These webpage resources include:

Aqua Talk schedule change

In response to COVID-19 the state is working diligently to adapt workforce assignments to maintain business continuity for the communities that rely on our services in these times. We are also regularly communicating with utilities about COVID-19 and related impacts. We are pausing our weekly Aqua Talk blog posts.

Moving forward, Aqua Talk posts will temporarily be limited to COVID-19 updates and time-sensitive deadlines or reminders regarding regulatory requirements. We will reach out when regular Aqua Talk articles resume.

Division Contact 

You can reach the Water Quality Control Division at

➽ Heather Wilcox, communications and special projects