
Wednesday, June 16, 2021

What Colorado Water Providers Need To Know About UCMR 5

UCMR stands for Unregulated Contaminant Monitoring Rule and it is a program that was developed with the amendments to the Safe Drinking Water Act in 1996. The program was established to monitor unregulated drinking water contaminants in a five year cycle that are chosen from the Contaminant Candidate List (
CCL) and are known or anticipated to occur in public water systems. 

The latest installment, UCMR 5, was published in March 2021 and includes 30 new chemicals that will be monitored between 2023 and 2025. EPA is still accepting comments on the UCMR5 rule, and it will not be finalized until December 2021 so some things could change. The currently proposed list of chemicals include 29 per- and poly-fluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) and lithium. The systems that are required to participate in UCMR5 changed due to amendments in Section 2021 of America’s Water Infrastructure Act of 2018 (AWIA). The change requires that all systems within the 3,300 to 10,000 population range sample whereas in the past this population range was included in 800 randomly selected small systems under 10,000. Adding the additional systems will bolster the sample sets so EPA can make better informed decisions on regulating any of the tested contaminants in the future. The sample analysis cost will be paid for by EPA for all systems under 10,000 population, however, systems will be required to pull the samples and ship them to a designated laboratory. Prepaid sampling kits will be shipped to small systems under 10,000 people and will contain all of the necessary sampling equipment and instructions. If a system is surface water they are required to sample 4 times in an annual period and groundwater systems are required to sample 2 times within an annual period. Systems will receive their schedule from EPA for their starting year, month and week in which they begin sampling. Systems will have access to UCMR information and sampling tutorials on the state website in the near future.

Colorado has a Partnership Agreement (PA) with EPA to help with implementing UCMR. The PA identifies specific implementation activities for which State assistance may be provided. Colorado has agreed to review the State Monitoring Plan (SMP) and provide all water system inventory and contact information based on information in the Safe Drinking Water Information System (SDWIS). So please make sure we always have the most current information by updating your monitoring plans when you have changes. Participating systems will receive notices of initial requirements and the registration process for Safe Drinking Water Accession and Review System (SDWARS). SDWARS will be used for systems to sign their official notification letter, update their contact and inventory records in addition to monitoring their analytical results. Colorado will assist EPA in ensuring UCMR compliance by contacting PWSs concerning their monitoring responsibilities and addressing issues of noncompliance.

Participating water systems are subject to the Consumer Confidence Report (CCR) and the Public Notification (PN) rules. The CCR rule requires that community water systems report monitoring results when unregulated contaminants are detected. The PN rule requires that water systems notify the public that the results are available. All results will eventually be available to the public under Occurrence Data for the UCMR Rule. If a system has any additional questions they may contact the State’s UCMR Coordinator at