
Wednesday, July 27, 2022

Facility Operator Certification: What’s in a Name?

Not long ago, an exam candidate contacted me, distressed because he had not been allowed to take his scheduled certified operator exam. When he showed up to take the test, PSI, the exam administrator, examined his photo ID and noted that the name of the candidate approved to take the exam did not exactly match the name on the ID. Therefore, the candidate was turned away and forfeited his exam fee.

The candidate’s perspective was that PSI should have accepted that Jimmy Smith was the same person as James Smith. He thought it was ridiculous to be turned away on such a technicality! 

As much as we may sympathize with this candidate and others like him, the reality is that the verification of identity is a serious matter when it comes to state-issued certification. It ensures that the candidate who sits for an exam is the same person whose qualifications were reviewed and approved. It is one of the ways the program protects the integrity of Colorado-issued certificates.

PSI’s candidate handbook makes it clear that “If your name on your registration is different than it appears on your identification, you must bring proof of your name change (e.g., marriage license, divorce decree or court order).” Your “registration” is your CCWP Portal account.

The candidate handbook also informs candidates that “Failure to provide appropriate identification at the time of the examination is considered a missed appointment.” The last thing anyone wants or needs on exam day is the frustration of being turned away. If you need to change the name in your CCWP Portal account so it matches your photo ID, please contact the CCWP Office for assistance.

➽ Nancy Horan, Facility and Operator Outreach and Certification Board Liaison