
Tuesday, December 27, 2022

It’s the End of the Year - How do systems know if they submitted all of their drinking water samples?

2022 is coming to a close! That means systems must have all their required testing results submitted to the department in a timely manner. Every year, the department issues an average of 3,000 to 4,000 monitoring and/or reporting violations. To prevent any unnecessary violations, we highly encourage systems to review their monitoring schedule. We also recommend that systems sample early, to allow your lab adequate time to process and submit your sample results.  

You can find the most up-to-date monitoring schedules by visiting the department’s monitoring schedule website and searching for your system’s PWSID (COXXXXXXX) or name. Your monitoring schedule will clearly identify your testing requirements and if the department has received the test results.

If you notice that some of your results are not showing as “received,” please contact your contract laboratory and your drinking water compliance specialist. Stay tuned for 2023 - we are releasing new data tracking tools.

➽ Nicole Graziano Drinking Water Compliance Assurance Section Manager