
Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Colorado Certified Water Professional Code of Conduct

As the Colorado certified operator community continues to grow, there also needs to be a growing emphasis on professionalism. To acknowledge that water facility operations require a set of demanding professional and technical skills, more than the simple word “operation” may suggest, operators are deservedly referred to as “certified water professionals.” As facilities continue to take advantage of the many technological advances in the industry, certified water professionals need to be computer literate, gain knowledge of how to protect their water systems from cybersecurity threats, as well as be able to apply biological and chemical principles to transform raw water into safe water for drinking and/or recreation. They need to use mathematical equations to calculate appropriate chemical dosages, flows, pressure, etc. The qualifications for certification, including education, experience, ongoing training, and sufficient knowledge to pass a specialized examination, separate certified water professionals from unskilled laborers. 

In 2018, the Water and Wastewater Facility Operators Certification Board (board) adopted the Colorado Certified Water Professionals Code of Conduct, to which every applicant for certification or certificate renewal must agree. A code of conduct clarifies a profession’s mission, values, and principles. It is both an internal guideline and an external statement of values and commitments. Internally, a written code of conduct provides benchmarks against which individual performance can be measured. Externally, it serves as a public statement of the profession’s commitment to high standards and right conduct.

The Colorado Certified Water Professional Code of Conduct emphasizes the profession’s commitment to protecting public health and the environment. It holds certified water professionals to standards of behavior that include honesty, excellence, responsibility, and compliance with state and federal laws, rules, regulations, and permits. At all times, certified water professionals are expected to use their knowledge to help safeguard water quality for Colorado residents and visitors.

The importance of this professional code is underscored by the fact that every certified water professional must agree to it. Failure to follow the code of conduct can be grounds for disciplinary action by the board. If you haven’t reviewed the Colorado Certified Water Professional Code of Conduct lately, take a couple of minutes to do so now.

For questions related to any of these updates, feel free to contact 

➽ Jessica Morgan, Liaison to the Water & Wastewater Facility Operators Certification Board