
Friday, January 3, 2020

Facility Operator Certification

2020 Approval of Courses for Training Units

We want course providers to have all of the information they need to design training courses and get them approved without difficulties or delays. Hopefully we’ve answered your questions below. 

If not—or if you’re having problems using the CCWP portal—please get in touch with the Colorado Certified Water Professionals office at 719-225-7339.

Submitting courses for training unit approval

Course providers must use the new CCWP portal to submit 2020 courses for training unit approval. Please do not create new portal accounts without contacting the CCWP office first (719-225-7339). When we migrated the old course catalog data to the new system, we created course provider accounts so the migrated courses could be associated with the appropriate providers. 

Once the CCWP office has verified your login credentials, you can begin to prepare your application. You can find video tutorials on the portal’s course provider information page along with written instructions to help you prepare and submit your application.  

Fees for course approval

Regulation 100 sets the fee for training unit course approval at $50 for individual courses or one-day events.  However, you may submit a batch of up to 10 courses on the same application for $50, and there is no extra charge for multiple offerings of the same course. The fee for multiple courses given as part of a single event—such as a conference or multi-day workshop—also is $50.

Getting your courses approved

The CCWP office’s guidance document for course providers, also available on the course provider information page, includes information about appropriate subject matter, fees, information to be included in your application, reasons why courses could be denied or approval rescinded, best practices, and expectations of the training provider.  

Issuing training units

After teaching a course, the trainer or course provider issues training units to participants directly through the CCWP portal using either the Uploading a Course Roster (for multiple course participants) or Entering Results (in situations where there are only a few course participants) options.

Trainers need to have operator ID numbers for every course participant to issue training units through the CCWP portal. Therefore, a new best practice is for the trainer to collect operator ID numbers as part of their pre-registration or sign-in process. Trainers may also find it helpful to collect email addresses. Course participants who are not yet certified can obtain operator ID numbers by registering in the CCWP portal.

Video tutorials and written instructions on the course provider information page will help trainers master the process of issuing training units via the CCWP portal.


For assistance with the CCWP portal contact the CCWP office at 

➽ Nancy Horan, operator certification board liaison