
Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Funding Opportunity

Lead testing in schools and daycare

In January and February 2020, the Water Quality Control Division (WQCD) will launch a new voluntary program to provide grant funding for lead testing in drinking water at both schools and child care facilities (CCF) across the state.

The program will award grants primarily to local public health agencies (LPHAs) and county governments for sampling in their local jurisdictions, prioritizing elementary schools and child-care facilities in low-income areas and disadvantaged communities as much as possible. 

Sampling locations will target:

  • exposures for children age 6 or younger
  • older facilities that are more likely to contain sources of lead
  • established and sustainable child care programs
This program, which will run through September 2021, is based on EPA’s 3T’s guidance document for training, testing, and taking action. Test results will be shared with our department, local health departments, school district representatives, parents, teachers, and the general public.
Our goal is to reduce lead exposure at these facilities by raising awareness of lead risks, testing for lead concentrations in drinking water, identifying potential lead sources, and taking action to reduce lead exposure to children and the general public. 

We are currently developing guidance, procedures, and requirements for implementing the program. For further information, watch for outreach material and upcoming announcements of this program on our lead in drinking water webpage.

➽ Mike Beck, community development & partnership manager