
Thursday, May 30, 2024

Asset Management - Manage Your System Optimally

As systems prepare to submit their Lead Service Line Inventories (LSLI) this October, it has become abundantly clear that the water sector needs to put more resources into identifying what resources and assets they have and where they are located. Ideally, a bulk of the LSLI should have been completed using documentation. However, many systems lack records for their distribution systems. This gap in asset inventory is making the task of documenting their service line material types more costly and difficult. In the past many systems have taken a reactive approach, - “when it breaks, we fix it”, to manage their system. However, with the changing regulatory requirements, increasing financial hardships, and increasing climate and resource challenges, it has become necessary to plan ahead to ensure the health of public water systems into the future. It is necessary to know what resources you have and maximize their usefulness.  

Asset Management (AM) is a proactive approach to managing a system’s infrastructure and capital assets. AM gives systems tools to optimize output at the lowest possible operating cost. It facilitates both short and long term success by prioritizing assets, estimating useful life, and enables more accurate budgeting. Taking an asset management approach allows systems to hone their operations and maintenance planning by prolonging asset life and improving decisions about asset rehabilitation, repair, and replacement. Systems are able to use resources when and where they are needed most ensuring maintenance on critical assets can be done and there is enough money to do it.

AM is a scalable, thoughtful approach to systems management and can be applicable to any size system. It can help with coordination across an organization to help ensure that the right work is done in the right order at the right time. 

Not sure where to start, feeling intimidated? Come to one of the free training sessions offered by the Local Assistance Unit (LAU). Asset management will be presented this summer during the State Revolving Fund (SRF) Regional Workshops in partnership with the Department of Local Affairs and the Grants and Loans Unit. Additionally, the LAU will be rolling out an asset management course as part of the regular course offerings in 2025. The Asset Management course curriculum will review the 5 core criteria of asset management and demonstrate how to apply each of them to your system. You will learn how to get started and review some tools to assist you in developing an asset management plan. No need to reinvent the wheel when it comes to AM, there are many tools and templates available that fit the needs of every sized system. 

Join us!

Asset Management: A Management Framework and the associated toolkit will be presented as part of the SRF Regional Workshops scheduled for:

  • July 11, 2024 - Alamosa, CO - Adams State University 
  • July 23, 2024 - Akron, CO - Akron Senior & Community Center 

The workshop will cover topics related to SRF basics, funding options for drinking water and waste water infrastructure, asset management planning and tools, current and upcoming regulations and much more.   

Can’t make a workshop and need assistance with asset management or capacity development?

The Colorado Department of Public Health (CDPHE) Water Quality Control Division (WQCD) has free capacity coaching available for public water systems through the Local Assistance Unit (LAU). A PWS can request assistance by filling out the Coaching Assistance Form

➽Angela Green Garcia, Drinking Water Training Specialist