
Wednesday, May 8, 2024

EPA Reallotment of Lead Funds helps Colorado

In order to address the critical need to replace lead service lines across the nation, the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL) included funding specific to lead service line inventory and removal projects for the State Revolving Fund Program. In 2022, Colorado received over $56 million for lead service line inventory and removal projects. However, in 2023 due to a change in how EPA allotted lead funds, many states including Colorado experienced a drastic cut in lead service line funding. In fact, the 2023 BIL lead service line funding for Colorado was cut by over 40%. This cut in funding is significant and means many Colorado systems may not be able to access this funding to replace lead service lines. However, earlier this year EPA announced that some state SRF programs did not need the lead service line funding allotted to them through the BIL. The states of Alaska, Hawaii, Maine, Nevada, Oregon, South Dakota, and Washington declined a total of $219 million of 2022 BIL lead service line funding. As a result, Colorado was able to apply for a portion of the unused funds, up to $4.86 million. Although it is not enough to make up for the funding cut, these additional funds will help Colorado to continue to meet the high demand for lead service line funding across the state. Colorado utilizes this funding in multiple ways to assist public water systems to inventory, plan, design, and complete removal of lead service lines. The SRF Program provides low interest loans as well as grants for eligible systems to complete construction to remove lead service lines. The Division has utilized the EPA lead service line funding to provide lead service line inventory grants and to develop a robust technical assistance program. The lead service line inventory grant program has awarded over $700,000 in grants. The technical assistance program provides services free of charge to complete lead service line inventory and to plan for lead service line removal. The Division encourages public water systems to contact these programs for assistance in inventory, planning, and removal of lead service lines. The SRF program can be contacted at SRF Program Contacts. Systems interested in the inventory grants and free technical assistance can contact the program at Please note that systems that want free technical assistance need to apply to the program prior to May 15 by completing a service agreement.

➽ Mark Henderson Community Development and Partnership Section Manager